Heja, Viva, Go Anders Bringdal!

Anders Bringdal protected from the sandstorm
I raced with Anders the first time in May 1984 (the weekend the Herreys-trio won Eurovison Song Contest), and we have met, sailed and raced together in the -80, -90, -00 and -10s all over the world. He is a more talented windsurfer than myself, but we have a some things in common; nationality, almost same name, age and we share some interests. (speedwindsurfing, marketing, the ws-industry and our families). When we meet we have a lot of things to catch up with. It has happened that I gets e-mail that where intended for him... It is a pity that Anders Bringdal is not more into computers. I would love to follow a blog from him. Right now he is down in Luderitz, Namibia, Africa, (Luderitz Speed Challenge 2011)  trying to brake the speed world record. I spoke with him after last years attempt and it was no walk in the park. Turbulent wind, whirlpools, a narrow and shallow canal, and a very short window of time every day. I admire that he is back this year. He has already broken the GPS record and is on top of the overall GPS-ranking. He has guts, and I do hope he manage! Go Anders go!


  1. I have posted a video on YouTube I took of Anders Bringdal being pummelled by the Brighton shorebreak during the World Cup event there in 1993. When you next see him can you ask him to watch it and leave a comment about what was going on during the few minutes he'd disappeared? Thanks, Christine.

  2. That is a nice clip. Looks like Port St Louise 2010.
    But I am sorry to say that it is not Anders Bringdal in the clip. It is S-101, Mattias Jildestad. I know well he has confirmed that it is him. He was not at al happy about the conditions i Brighton, he said that sometimes only a few managed to come out to the slalom-start.
    Cheers Anders BQ


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