But in early August I got a cold... After 3 weeks I thought it was a
sinusitis, and started to get treatment for that thru an Internet doctor, but
god, it went 10 times worse. Then my back got very bad, so I went to all
ortho-therapists worth the name, it became 10 times worse. After 2 months, I
went to a real doctor, after one second he said, - I understand that you have
had problems with breathing and your back, since you at least have pneumonia.
So I got antibiotics and it felt some better. Went out windsurfing to test my
back, but cut my right hand badly on the back of a fin (waterstart with fin stucked in the harness-lines, and the rig flipped while I lifted the fin). A week later at the Swedish Speed Championship
I took 10 pills to reduce fever, pneumonia and betapred for the head, duct tape on the hand, and after 4 heats I ended up second overall, even won one heat. Felt great. The back and
the hand were OK after the event. So I decided to go to Weymouth 2 weeks later. This time not with the goal
to win, but to participate and enjoy.
The first 2 days in Weymouth/Portland we had a harbour course with winds
20-45 knots. I had tough days, fever and hard to breath. The chops where crazy
and my 7,8 m2 sail felt big enough, but my speeds where terrible (I was not
aware that everyone else was on 6.3. The third day, my body felt great, and
everyone where on the same sails as myself.
In the mid of the week I got the test result from the lab. Mycoplasma
Pneumonia and TWAR... So I am in the middle of the legendary Weymouth speed
week, and I am in pretty bad shape...
But my speeds where competeable and life felt pretty great. The super
strong wind really did not come back, but winds around 15-30 knots where a lot
better for my unfit body.
To my conclusion. Should I lay down on the bed and wait to heal, or
should I do something that I enjoy? Life is quick, so I prefer to windsurf, and
really no doctor will ever keep me off from the water, I think the best medicine to heal is windsurfing!